Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monster inside of me

Monster inside of me is actually from a documentary channel that talks about parasites living of each human being, well, this is different! I am not going to cover about that show in this post, since I wasn't intend to talk about it.

Last Thursday, February 4, 2010, I was so tired because I woke up 7am in the morning to finish study some stuff, having some beer with my friend at Sushi Restaurant at noon and teach from 3 to 6:30pm. I came over at the Chess club roughly 7pm and play some blitz with my colleges and I came out with this self question "why I play so good at blitz without thinking"? to be frank, I felt that someone took over my body that day and I feel it is very extra ordinary.

I could perfectly describe this feeling by using this video of Yu Yu Hakusho in which there is a fighter named Yuremeshi thought that a human but it came out that he is a demon when his ancestor took control of his body and taught him how to use his power efficiently, watch this carefully.

I know by now that you guys are thinking that this is the most bizarre post here at web, but, what I am talking here is quite real base on my own experience. Way back to Tonopah Southern Nevada VS Northern Nevada 2009, I felt the same way too, and what was funny about it is when I need to use the Restroom I just get myself out of the playing room and take the way going to Restroom which I've been there for two years ago on that time.

That weird experience made me wrote this entry just to ask if anybody down here experience the same thing, in my own opinion, everyone has there own "monster inside of them" to dictate, guide, remind or even to demonstrate a beyond capability that yourself know how to do.

This is only my own experience and there is no scientific base on it, I would be really glad to hear anything comments, sharing same stories or professional opinion but please be respectful.


  1. If you have a demon inside of you that helps you play chess, then I have a demon inside of me that criticizes and humiliates me. There is a multiple personality disorder now known as dissociative identity disorder that seems to divide a person's identity and feeling of control. I don't know anything about it except what I read in Wikipedia. I usually take credit for my brilliant moves and my blunders, but I often attribute my successful game to luck because my opponent blunders. Some people usually have a hard time taking credit for their mistakes and supply excuses like being sick that day. Susan Polgar in that My Brilliant Brain video you pointed out to me said that her moves came from her intuition.

  2. After studying a subject as long and as intensely as you have I believe the subconscience sometimes takes over and thinking about things just slows you down. If we could all recall all the information stored in our brain whenever we wanted too we would all be are simply reacting to information and a routine of logic already programmed into your brain from repeated study and years of experience.

  3. I think Jim has nailed it on the head, and Soapstone touched on it as well:

    Intuition is developed from experience. Sometimes we see things subconsciously that we may not be able to explain, but our recognition of patterns etc is working on autopilot.

    Another possible explanation is that you are in fact possessed, in which case I wish you the best of luck with the exorcism! :)

  4. To be frank, I think all of us have certain gifts. But knowing what they are can be real detective story, where the detective (you and everyone else) has a hard time in finding the culprit (the particular gift).

    I had a very weird experience on two occasions, but this one was very odd, so I will retell the story here. To this day, I still have no adequate answer as to what had happened.

    1) A couple years out of high school, I was with my two friends Don Malone and Fred Malorotsky. We were near the beach in San Diego, I think it was Ocean Beach, but it may have been Mission Beach.

    Anyway, after a rare rainstorm, which was shortlived, there was a huge puddle, more like a small stream. It was very wide. So Don takes off, bad knees and all and jumps. He lands in the water and gets wet short of knee deep.

    Fred, the only friend I had that had my kind of speed as a short distance Runner takes off and lands just a little farther than Don and also experiences the "Wetness" if you will.

    I wasn't going to jump, having watched both of them fail miserably. But they egged me on. And so, I took off! It looked like I was going to land right in the middle of the water, between Don and Fred's jump. But somehow I landed on the edge of the concrete, away from the water.

    Both Don and Fred say to this day, they saw me land in the water. They both inspected my shoes and found that they were dry!! There was no water on me, no dampness at all.

    They couldn't believe it! I didn't know what had happened. I just knew that I cleared the water.

    The only explanation I can offer is that I must have made a second effort while still in the air. But it's odd that both my friends swear that they did not see a second jump by me and I don't remember having made a second effort.

    All I can say is that one should never underestimate one's own self, for we are all capable of some extraordinary things. I'm very sure of that, especially since there should have been no way for me to clear the water. It just wasn't possible.

    Too bad I didn't try it twice, I'm sure I would have landed in the water the second time.
