Sunday, December 21, 2008

Prostitution is immoral?

Normally, people say that PSPs and the patronage of sites are immoral acts and are further contributing to the deterioration of society.

To which my response is: Who assigned YOU to be the moral police?

I asked a few people what acts they consider as fundamentally immoral. They mentioned murder, rape, adultery, and child abuse. I further inquired why such acts were immoral. They answered that these acts are immoral because they clearly infringe on the rights of others. In other words, their is clearly a victim in such acts.

But what about prostitution? Who is the victim in prostitution?

Is it the client? I don’t think so. He paid for a service and he received a service.

Is it the PSP? I also don’t think so. Unless coerced in the world of flesh trade, she has willingly and voluntarily chosen that way of life.

I know some moral pundits will say that the PSP is the victim because she had no choice and that poverty has forced her into that life. In that case, shouldn't’t it be poverty then that should be considered immoral?

There is the stereo-typical PSP, the one that was scammed into the seedy world of prostitution, brought to the metropolises with promises of wealth and comfort, only to discover that the bed she will lay upon is not one of roses. We see this stereo-typical PSP in movies, books, TV shows, and sensationalistic news articles.

I, on the other hand, have experienced the PSP in the hand as an escort (I did this just to experienced something new and put myself into deeper water), and I asked some of my friends who have experience with escorts. The great majority of them have consciencely chosen that way of life. Yes, they are not proud of it. Yes, it’s a hard path to take. But it doesn’t make it immoral.

So I want to know: If one person finds prostitution immoral, what exactly makes it immoral? Please tell me who is being affected, whose rights are being violated, who is being hurt or who is being deceived.


  1. Overlooking the moral arguments, the main reason law enforcement is so intent on stopping prositution is it's link to drug abuse and organized crime. Customers getting "Rolled" and ripped off and the explosion of sexually transmitted ailments like AIDS. But the sex industry is ripe with the influences of gangsters both large and small and the drug scene and sex workers cannot be separated. That's why all the friction exists about the sex industry! It's a breeding ground for other crimes and criminal activity. So society is not really that outraged about young girls selling their bodies but they target the sex industry because of the element it attracts and the history of the sex industry as a open field of opportunity for crooks of all kinds. So is it victimless crime? It can be. And things can go to shit as well, with girls getting assaulted by freaks who realize that their crimes will most likely go unreported! The possibilities are endless and many dangers exist for both the girl and the John.

  2. Ethics and morality are sometimes a tricky thing. Some of questions were interesting, for instance, what happens if a so called "John" desires a certain look. And fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, the prostitute has this look. Should he stop and pick her up or ignore her?

    In my experience with talking to friends, we men are pretty much the same. We want a respectable girl in public and a slut in the bedroom!

    Here in lies the problem. Many respectable women are not nearly the slut they need to be in the bedroom. And no way in hell can a prostitute usually pull off being respectable in public.

    But the whole thing is probably immoral, especially if you have a Judeo-Christian background or even if you're one of those Muslim's in the Arab world, who instead of reading the uneducated and poorly written "Koran" should be reading through (several times if necessary) the Arab Scholar Ibn Khaldun's work entitled "The Muqaddimah."

    Since I worked with Police in San Diego (I was a tow truck dispatcher and handled calls for S.D.P.D. and the California Highway Patrol), I can tell you that "Big Casino's" comments above are right on the money. But he left out one thing: The Cops would rather be doing something else with their time. Many times, I overheard their complaints.

    It hurts no one person perhaps, but it hurts society as a whole.
